Help with foam water shader

Hi folk, i am new here i am trying to put a glb model instade of the sphere can any one help me ??

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It’s only a matter of scaling and moving the meshes so that they are visible:

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thank you for reply but I mean I need to apply the foam to it ?

You need to add the meshes to the depth and refraction render targets:

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That’s what i want thank you, and then can any body help me with morph it to threejs as a paid job if needed, i am start already!

Maybe this thread in 3js forum can help:

Yah i tried this one but it cause some problem in my model, so i tried this in babylon and looks wonderfall, so i really need to put it in threejs :blush:

@leen_alfalah why not using babylon if it works wonderfully ?

Cuz I finished all the project with threejs , so it’s too hard now to flip

Cuz I finished all the project with threejs , so it’s too hard now to flip

Sorry about that but you would need to take the question there as we are not the best on the Babylon forum to do things with Three :slight_smile:


I see thank you @sebavan