History change highlight for playground

I have used Babylon to create web3d world for more than two years, and I like the community of Babylon very much. Unfortunately, in China, Babylon’s tutorials (Chinese tutorials) are far less than Threejs. I’m going to use PlayGround to make some interesting functions into text tutorials in my spare time. Every time I add a function or step, I will provide a PG, but I find it seems that it is not directly obvious that my new function is modified based on the previous PG. The reader has to read the code from the beginning.

I hope to add a highlight function to PlayGround. When saving, provide a field to save the associated PG number. Later, when others open the PG, they can have an option to see what it has modified based on the associated PG.

For example, the previous PG is https://playground.babylonjs.com/?#HHHZZ3#2 , the next PG provided by my tutorial is # HHZZ3 # 6. I connected # HHZZ3 # 2 when saving, so that others can see the modified part of # 6 and # 2 in highlighted form when opening # 6


I like this idea and I take this opportunity to bounce on a similar request/idea I had and shared some time ago. I also find there could be an additional field to choose whether the version PG save is a simple ‘test’ (wip or non-working PG) or a ‘final’ (released or recommendable) version. It would also be nice that when saving a PG, the version BJS from which the save is done is stored and displayed in the information/save box.

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That is good idea, all users use one branch, it is hard to find which number is the next update :grin:

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I guess we could link this with this post
PG search improvement


cc @RaananW

That’s a great suggestion! Sadly not 100% possible with the current architecture (i.e. - the way we save snippets). But as I am going to improve the search index for code snippets, I guess I can also look into that! i’ll add it to the issue.