I think that the highlight effect is a way common and effective to make an object 3d stand out, especially in game scene. I don’t understand why only “Mesh” can use hightlight effect, as i know it depend on material. I think this is an unfriendly design,it should be responsive to all “AbstractMesh” or “Geometry Target”. Can we make a new design just like Outline pass of Three.js?
Did you try to use renderOutline
I had try renderOutline
or renderEdge
, the problem is the “line” invisible when camera far from object, because the render line like a mesh, but not gl line
This assessment is a bit too simple, I’m afraid. Don’t know if it is ‘unfriendly’ but it is ‘per design’.
I hear what you are saying and overall I sort of agree, but understand that what you are asking is more than a simple fix on the hl.
I can’t. I don’t have the skills. But then, in essence, anything can be achieved (with a level of efforts and collab). If you have these skills and desire, rest assured I will support the project. Now, all you have to do is to convince the team @sebavan @Evgeni_Popov
Meanwhile, have a great day
I can’t. I don’t have the skills
So do i.
Let’s image when we play a FPS game, the weapon or other objects had not outline effect, how can we known the objects are pickable? I believe that all of the game objects must to be use cloning instance and those counldn’t use individual material.
Anyway, i really enjoy using Babylon.js. It’s a WebGL engine powerful and professional enough
I believe a clone is supported by the hl layer. Not sure about an instance or thinInstance. I’m a hardcore gamer but not so much of a game dev. It’s sunday, I’m mostly sure others will kick-in tomorrow on your topic.
And so do I. And it’s getting better day by day and topic after topic… Including yours of course
GL with your project,
Maybe this thread will be helpful - Showing highlighted silhouette of mesh ONLY when it is occluded