I currently have 3 GLB files (head, body, animation). I currently using ImportMeshAsync to import these 3 files to the scene. But I’m struggling in adding animation from the animation group from animation file to the body mesh. When I do it in Blender I can do it by choosing the 2 and using Object Link animation. How can I do it in BabylonJS?
If you don’t need them to be separate, how about constructing the meshes/animations in Blender via the NLA and then exporting a single GLB to babylon? That would be straightforward.
Hi @bigrig!
It’s a good idea, but sometimes you need to import different models and reuse the animations if they share the same skeleton, in this way the process becomes more optimized and you avoid using Blender to adjust the animations of each model.
An example using ReadyPlayerMe Model and some animations:
Thanks for your help. I’m currently applying this git method but somehow it does not run the animation. Here is the updated PG: https://playground.babylonjs.com/#N7EYC1#3