Hi, I’m new to this website so please forgive me in advance if I’m violating any site rules and such.
I want to build a small website that will verify different parts of a GLTF file, and I’ve stumbled across babylon.js. What I’m envisioning is that I’m able to upload a .glb file to my site, and use Babylon.js to return information such as vertex count, material count, and details like that. In the sandbox I noticed that this information is present in the inspector tab, and my question is if I’m able to get that same information returned to me if I were able to reference a .glb object.
I’ve tried looking through the API, and it doesn’t necessarily seem like there is that functionality, but (since I’m new to this space) I wanted to throw this question out and maybe someone could have an idea on a library I could use to accomplish this if there isn’t a way to do this with Babylon.
Thanks in advance!