Hey Babylon Forum,
Whilst the inspector is excellent for looking at texture sizes and mesh vertex count, it can be a little tedious to click through every object in the hierarchy and view its size/vertex count.
Here’s a function that traverses the scene and outputs info about meshes and textures. I added a little colour to highlight assets that I felt needed further attention:
logMeshAndTextureInfo() {
this.scene.meshes.forEach(mesh => {
const countColour = mesh.getTotalVertices() > 30000 ? "color:red" : "color:default";
console.log(`Mesh: ${mesh.name}, VertexCount: %c${mesh.getTotalVertices()}`, countColour);
this.scene.textures.forEach(texture => {
const size = texture.getSize();
const widthColour = size.width > 1024 ? "color:red" : "color:default";
const heightColour = size.height > 1024 ? "color:red" : "color:default";
console.log(`Texture: ${texture.name.substring(0, 70)}, Width: %c${size.width}, %cHeight: ${size.height}`, widthColour, heightColour);
Console.log output: