How do you reduce CPU usage using GLB files with animations?

Hi, I have the below code added on shopify,

I have tried to reduce the CPU usage and optimizing the scene but yet the CPU usage is really really high, is there a way to reduce the usage? I am currently hearing my fan go at really high speed.

The objects I’m using are GLB files which are 2MB each, with a HDR Texture environment also 3MB.
The objects pre-rendered animation as well.
Also the reason I have 2 canvases is that one of the object I have added a filter blur css as of the Website project design.

Please Kindly let me know if there is a way to have the CPU run smoothly with no lag.

Thank you

      var engine;
      var scene;
      var camera;

      //3D object animation

      var canvas = document.getElementById("renderCanvas");

      var createDefaultEngine = function() {
        return new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true, {
          preserveDrawingBuffer: true,
          stencil: true
        }, true);

      var createScene = function() {
        scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
        // Parameters : name, position, scene
        var camera = new BABYLON.UniversalCamera("UniversalCamera", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, -10), scene);
        // Targets the camera to a particular position. In this case the scene origin
        //camera.setPosition(new BABYLON.Vector3(-15, 10, 10));

        // Attach the camera to the canvas
        // camera.attachControl(canvas, true);

    // Create a default skybox with an environment.
    //var hdrTexture = new BABYLON.CubeTexture.CreateFromPrefilteredData("", scene);
    var hdrTexture = new BABYLON.HDRCubeTexture("{{ 'studio021.hdr' | asset_url }}", scene, 128, false, true, false, true);
    hdrTexture.gammaSpace = false;
    hdrTexture.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 1;

    scene.environmentTexture = hdrTexture;
    scene.clearColor = new BABYLON.Color4(0, 0, 0, 0);

    var light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light1", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);

    // Load model
    var assetsManager = new BABYLON.AssetsManager(scene);
    assetsManager.addMeshTask('', '', "", "EDEN_Grape-001_Animation006.glb", scene);

    assetsManager.onSuccess = function(task) {
    assetsManager.onTaskSuccess = function(task) {

      var mesh = task.loadedMeshes[0];

      mesh.doNotSyncBoundingInfo = true;
      mesh.rotationQuaternion = null;
      mesh.rotation.y = -0.45;
      mesh.rotation.z = 0.45;
      mesh.rotation.x = -0.4;
      mesh.position.x = -4.5;
      mesh.position.y = -6;
      mesh.position.z = 7;
      $(window).on('scroll', function() {
        var top = $(window).scrollTop(),
          divBottom = $('.featured-collection').offset().top;
        if (divBottom > top) {
          mesh.rotation.y = -0.45;
          mesh.rotation.z = 0.45;
          mesh.rotation.x = -0.4;
          mesh.position.x = -4.5;
          mesh.position.y = -6;
          mesh.position.z = 7;
        } else {
          mesh.rotation.x = -0.35;
          mesh.rotation.y = 6.5;
          mesh.rotation.z = -0.3;
          mesh.position.x = 4.5;
          mesh.position.y = -4;
          mesh.position.z = 6.5;
    scene.blockMaterialDirtyMechanism = true;
    var options = new BABYLON.SceneOptimizerOptions();
    options.addOptimization(new BABYLON.HardwareScalingOptimization(0, 1));
    // Optimizer
    var optimizer = new BABYLON.SceneOptimizer(scene, options);
    scene.getEngine().onResizeObservable.add(() => {
      if (scene.getEngine().getRenderHeight() > scene.getEngine().getRenderWidth()) {
        // camera.fovMode = BABYLON.Camera.FOVMODE_HORIZONTAL_FIXED;
      } else {
        camera.fovMode = BABYLON.Camera.FOVMODE_VERTICAL_FIXED;
    return scene;

      engine = createDefaultEngine();
      if (!engine) throw 'engine should not be null.';
      scene = createScene();

      engine.runRenderLoop(function() {
        if (scene) {


      // Resize
      window.addEventListener("resize", function() {

      //object 2
      var engine2;
      var scene2;
      var camera2;

      //3D object animation

      var canvas2 = document.getElementById("renderCanvas2");

      var createDefaultEngine2 = function() {
        return new BABYLON.Engine(canvas2, true, {
          preserveDrawingBuffer: true,
          stencil: true
        }, true);

      var createScene = function() {
        scene2 = new BABYLON.Scene(engine2);
        // camera2.noRotationConstraint = true;
        // This attaches the camera2 to the canvas2
        // camera2.attachControl(canvas2, true);

        // Parameters : name, position, scene2
        var camera2 = new BABYLON.UniversalCamera("UniversalCamera", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, -10), scene2);
        // Targets the camera2 to a particular position. In this case the scene2 origin
        //camera2.setPosition(new BABYLON.Vector3(-15, 10, 10));

        // Attach the camera2 to the canvas2
        // camera2.attachControl(canvas2, true);

        // Create a default skybox with an environment.
        //var hdrTexture = new BABYLON.CubeTexture.CreateFromPrefilteredData("", scene2);
        var hdrTexture = new BABYLON.HDRCubeTexture("{{ 'studio021.hdr' | asset_url }}", scene, 128, false, true, false, true);
        hdrTexture.gammaSpace = false;
        hdrTexture.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 1;

        scene2.environmentTexture = hdrTexture;
        scene2.clearColor = new BABYLON.Color4(0, 0, 0, 0);

        var light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light1", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene2);
        // Default intensity is 1. Let's dim the light a small amount
        light.intensity = 2
        // Load model
        var assetsManager = new BABYLON.AssetsManager(scene2);
        assetsManager.addMeshTask('', '', "", "EDEN_Lemon-001_Animation006.glb", scene2);

        assetsManager.onSuccess = function(task) {
        assetsManager.onTaskSuccess = function(task) {

          var mesh = task.loadedMeshes[0];

          mesh.doNotSyncBoundingInfo = true;
          mesh.rotationQuaternion = null;
          mesh.rotation.x = 0;
          mesh.rotation.y = 0.4;
          mesh.rotation.z = -0.5;
          mesh.position.x = 8;
          mesh.position.y = -6;
          mesh.position.z = 15;
          $(window).on('scroll', function() {
            var top = $(window).scrollTop(),
              divBottom = $('.featured-collection').offset().top;
            if (divBottom > top) {
              mesh.rotation.x = 0;
              mesh.rotation.y = 0.4;
              mesh.rotation.z = -0.5;
              mesh.position.x = 8;
              mesh.position.y = -6;
              mesh.position.z = 15;
            } else {
              mesh.rotation.x = -0.6;
              mesh.rotation.y = 0.1;
              mesh.rotation.z = 0.5;
              mesh.position.x = 5;
              mesh.position.y = 1.75;
              mesh.position.z = 15;
        scene2.blockMaterialDirtyMechanism = true;
        var options = new BABYLON.SceneOptimizerOptions();
        options.addOptimization(new BABYLON.HardwareScalingOptimization(0, 1));
        // Optimizer
        var optimizer = new BABYLON.SceneOptimizer(scene, options);
        scene2.getEngine().onResizeObservable.add(() => {

          if (scene2.getEngine().getRenderHeight() > scene2.getEngine().getRenderWidth()) {
            // camera2.fovMode = BABYLON.Camera.FOVMODE_HORIZONTAL_FIXED;
          } else {
            camera2.fovMode = BABYLON.Camera.FOVMODE_VERTICAL_FIXED;

        return scene2;

      engine2 = createDefaultEngine2();
      if (!engine2) throw 'engine2 should not be null.';
      scene2 = createScene();

      engine2.runRenderLoop(function() {
        if (scene2) {


      // Resize
      window.addEventListener("resize", function() {

Have you tried to profile your code with the performance tab of Chrome (for eg) to see what takes time?

Also, providing a repro will likely be mandatory as else it will be difficult to dig much further.

Do you mean by this profile?

I am new to the chrome inspect performance and reading the data but I have attached an image below to show if that is what you meant.

Hopefully it helps

Yes, I meant this tab. This doc can help you understand the data from this page: Get Started With Analyzing Runtime Performance  |  Chrome DevTools

Also, as I said, a repro in the playground will definitely be needed for people to help as performance problems are generally not really easy to pinpoint.

here is the repro in playground

there are actually 2 different objects but on my actual code i have had to create 2 different canvases as I need to blur out using css. but on the play ground it shows only 1 of the objects.

please let me know where i might be going wrong

thank you

I am not seeing the same behavior at all on the playground:

the cpu is actually pretty low. Is that what you see as well ?

Nah mine is spiking up,

For you I think its because its rendering only one 3d object and not 2 on the playground that’s why its low on the cpu usage

Could you try in the playground to render the other model cause I guess there might be an issue with it in this case ?

I have rendered both the objects, but is it possible for the second object to be a different canvas?

as im required to blur out the second object, and multiple canvas means i think i need to add another engine which might be the cause of high cpu usage?

Yup I am thinking that the high CPU usage might be linked to 2 things:

  1. 2 engines but it should not impact as much
  2. CSS blur creating an overhead in your page

cause with both I am still at:

Maybe you could do it all in one engine using the Blur post process instead ?

The post blur is not working exactly as it should as its blurring the other object as well

Yup you would need to use it on a render target, it is what we use internally for blurring shadows or create the glow layer for instance.