How to achieve grass "3d effect" similar to this one

Interesting topic. Let me just add the link to the video. Will make it easier to understand the scope, I believe.

It’s funny how the ‘grass’ topic is kind of redundant in this forum. I believe at some point, there are some keywords, like ‘displacement’ or ‘vray’.

Let me also just add another link from the forum.

The video is kind of interesting, I believe.

Now, I’m not a real dev, so don’t count on me to give you the algorythm or the final logic/&method, however… as a creative, there’s a number of things that are clear to me. 1) Applying a texture, even with bump or parallax/parallax occlusion on a terrain will never create the vertical displacement when viewed from the camera (real time camera). 2) At some point, the old school method was to add sprites… next moved to either decals or instances. Or we can now create a geometry using a variety of methods (from vertices or from materials like the fur mat). And then, we have the shaders and the node mats which (at least up to some point) can help do the trick. Up to some point? Either I’m missing something or it is so that we still need to use a ‘mix’ of techniques? Do we?

I suppose it would be great to have @PatrickRyan input at this point. If you have a minute for this? I’m pretty sure this is the kind of thing where you’d like to impress us with your expertise, isnt’it? In any case, I would be eager to read about your analyse of the current state of this in BJS… if you can save a moment to enlight us? :smiley: