I need to load new scene with the imported data and dispose the old scene. But it seems that the new scene got frozen after rendered, i created the simple background here: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#KC5W6L#6.
I got three questions below, actually they all can be summarized into one question: What is the proper way to replace the old scene with new scene?
- Do i need to dispose the old engine and create new one?
- Since the new scene carries with camera data, do i need to create new camera again?
- Why the new scene got frozen after imported since it carries the camera data?
Before that, i saw someone posted this playground as it uses SceneLoader.Append which adds the new scene to the old scene, it uses scene.createDefaultCameraOrLight(true, true, true) after creating the new scene and it works fine: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#KC5W6L#3. (tips: you may need to click on the canvas and move so that the plane can be seen).
Can anyone help me with that?