There were similar questions here but none if them could give me a solution.
My knowledge of React is far from desired, but I believe it should be quite simple for those who know React.
I know how to do it in declarative way, but don’t want to use it.
So the question is: how to create a button to change scene parameters on click? Any working examples are welcome
The trick is, of course, is getting the scene instance. I have read enough framework source code to probably do this, whether React wants to or not. From engine.ts
* Gets the latest created engine
public static get LastCreatedEngine(): Nullable<Engine> {
return EngineStore.LastCreatedEngine;
* Gets the latest created scene
public static get LastCreatedScene(): Nullable<Scene> {
return EngineStore.LastCreatedScene;
You might want to wait for a React specific answer, but think this should work unless you have multiple concurrent scenes.
depending on your code structure, if you get a ref to the scene then you can use it in a button click handler. You didn’t specify if it was a GUI button or DOM one, but here is a DOM one because GUI one you likely have access to scene already:
import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
const MyMyScene = () => {
const sceneRef = useRef();
onButtonClicked = () => {
if (sceneRef.current) {
// sceneRef.current is a scene object
useEffect(() => {
// maybe here you set your sceneRef
sceneRef.current = new Scene(...);
return () => {
// dispose Engine/Scene here
}, []);
return <div>
<button onClick={onButtonClicked}>click me</button>
edit: here is a non-declarative way to integrate babylonjs-hook - npm ( you could just copy/paste what you wanted - there is a hook useScene.
Yeah, you would use this.scene then for regular React Component. I was referring to Functional Components that can use hooks. Your project is 4 years old, so that way was more typical back then. You can use both functional and regular Components together in a project. All of the react docs were moved also to Functional, so I tend to provide answers that way nowadays. Glad you got it working - cheers.
The problem is that I didn’t find any working open source React+Babylon.js project or template with functional components and non-declarative way.
Probably this - babylonjs-cra-vanilla-ts/src at master · brianzinn/babylonjs-cra-vanilla-ts · GitHub could help but it doesn’t work anymore.
So, I am still in the dark and, as I already mentioned, would be grateful for any working example.
those vanilla repos I should archive - they were an experiment in code re-use gone wrong.
what about the babylonjs-hook npm linked above? it’s declarative and there are at least a couple hundred projects using it and most of them should be working and there is an example in the readme: Network Dependents · brianzinn/babylonjs-hook (
You only need to declare the component on the page, but that’s primarily to render a canvas element to to attach to. You could copy what is needed from there. I suppose you could make a hook that does a document createElement for a canvas without needing to declare anything at all though. some UI libraries do similar things.
Thanks a lot, it definitely will help, and now I can click the button and it changes something!
These words are still sound like a riddle for me but I believe that after some React practice I’ll solve it (or probably you could put some piece of code how to do it?).