How to play a video texture with audio?
Due to video policy this will need to start on a click or user interaction for calling the play() method. So in the option of the VideoTexture you will want to use autoPlay: false and mute: false
OK thanks xD
There is some way for the sound to come out from the object as in audio.attachToMesh (box) ?
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Not with the video texture, but i wonder if you could pass down the audio track of the video as a stream to the sound api
Stumbled onto that almost 3 years later, and got some code in case anyone has the same issue :
To extract the audio track from a video and make it spatial :
const audioContext = Engine.audioEngine?.audioContext;
if (!audioContext) {
// video is the html <video> node in the DOM
const sourceNode = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(video);
const destinationNode = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination();
const sound = new Sound('sound',, scene);
Hope it helps
You can also now directly create a Sound from a video element
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