How to remove the top and bottom sides of the generated model and only retain the side of the model

How to remove the top and bottom sides of the generated model and only retain the side of the model
please everyone for your comments.

You could remove the faces with a normal like (0,1,0) or (0,-1,0). For eg:

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Hum :thinking: For once, I’m doubtful. This PG above looks to me like just not entirely correct. I passed by yesterday and quickly attempting a CSG and had about the same result (just not entirely correct). I think it might come from the mesh builder. This thingy doesn’t just feel totally right to me :zipper_mouth_face: May be I would attempt another approach for it. May be I would give it a try using greasedLines :thinking:

It’s easier to see what’s going on if we show the back faces:

Both the top and bottom should be removed. How should these broken surfaces be handled

You can use mesh picking to know the ids of the faces to remove (click on the faces to remove):