How to run actions contained in the glb using Babylon.js?

So, I have a .glb file and when I open it in the Sandbox, there is a drop-down list in which about 5 actions are there. But when I open the glb via Babylon.js on a website, only 1st action is being played, on a loop. How can I run all the actions which is in the Blender file(.glb)?


There are several ways.

For example you can use

const anim = scene.getAnimationGroupByName("Annimation Name");

To select an animation and play it at any moment.
Have a look at this Playground

Also a usefull trigger is :

anim_0.onAnimationGroupEndObservable.add(function() {

Where you trigger anim_1 when anim_0 ends, etcā€¦



Alright, many thanks. But when Iā€™m playing the 2nd action, 1st action is playing alongside with the 2nd one. Is there a way each animation is played after the previous one ended? Like when 1st ends, 2nd starts.

You can stop the first one using animationGroup.stop(), or prevent it from looping by setting loopAnimation to be false (on the animation you have referenced)

Thank you so much. It worked!!! And how can I turn off the first animation, like I can switch the isEnabled in the debugLayer and it works but when I click on the ā€œCopy to clipboardā€ and paste it, it is coming as ā€˜undefinedā€™. How can I disable the first animation?

you can call scene.stopAllAnimations() on model-loaded to stop any animation running. would that do the job?

Ok, so implemented that and working when I donā€™t need any animations running. And for to disabling the specific animation, I used the scene.getNodeByName(ā€œAnimation Nameā€).setEnabled(false);

Many thanks!!!

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