When I sampled those textures in my shader, I got the result pixel upside down. And I didn’t find anywhere to tell the shader how to sample the texture with invertY=false. The shader seems sampling the texture with “invertY=true” by default.
How can I do except reloading the same texture with “invertY=true” again.
The invertY option for Texture is working correctly.
If you look at this PG, you can see that the results are the same when invert Y is used.
What does not work is vScale = -1;. The reason this doesn’t work is because changing the vScale is something that is done at runtime by the shader, and the shader material you wrote isn’t handling it.
Thank you so much! This is what I want.
The texures are loaded not by me. So the invertY can be true or false. I cannot change it. The textureMatrix is the property that I can control.