How to solve height map problem

Hi ,
I want to use height map on my dynamic tiled map. with the aid of mapbox api, I get the altitude in terms of lat/long in my code, and then I use the altitude in my height map. but there are some problems in my codes, is it possible help me know how can I do it correct way.

here is my PG:

var allFeatures;

// get altitude 
// Construct the API request
var query = '' + latlong.longitude + ',' + latlong.latitude + '.json?layers=contour&limit=50&access_token=' + token;
    method: 'GET',
    'async': false,
    url: query,
}).done(function (data) {
    // Get all the returned features
    allFeatures = data.features;

// console.log(allFeatures);
// Create an empty array to add elevation data to
var elevations = [];
// For each returned feature, add elevation data to the elevations array
for (let i = 0; i < allFeatures.length; i++) {
// console.log(elevations);
// In the elevations array, find the largest value
var highestElevation = Math.max(...elevations);

var lowestElevation = Math.min(...elevations);

// console.log("hhh", highestElevation)

var mapURL =
    "" +
    id +
    "?access_token=" +
// CreateGroundFromHeightMap
var ground = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGroundFromHeightMap(
    "ground", mapURL, 
    { width: width * factor, height: width * factor, minHeight: lowestElevation, maxHeight: highestElevation, subdivisions: 100. }, this.scene);
ground.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(
    (tileX * factor - xTileBase + factor / 2) * width,
    -factor * 0.1,
    -(tileY * factor - yTileBase + factor / 2) * width
ground.material = material;

Hi @nasimiasl

I am so sorry for pinging you. is it possible see my code, I don’t know am I doing in right way or in wrong way.
I get the altitude of the earth in terms of lat/long with mapobox api.