How to try AR feature on iOS browser?


Is there any methods like changing some settings to make it available to iPhone devices?


There are wrappers you can try, like Variant Launch - WebXR on iOS and Android without installing an app ( They don’t implement the full specs and they use native apps under the hood, but this would be one way of achieving this.

The other is convincing Tim Cook to implement web standards.


What would be required, technically, to recreate Variant launch’s web clip capabilities directly within Babylon, to allow Babylon to run AR without the need for Variant?

I am not a fan of being reliant on a subscription based service thing like Variant offers when companies have gotten in the habit of changing TOS / pricing whenever the heck they feel like it and forcing users to swallow that jagged pill to stay in business.

I am, however, more willing to dump a ton of hours into developing a free alternative :stuck_out_tongue:

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@RaananW I like option 2. I’ll ping Tim see if we can set up a time to meet. I’ll loop you in.

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You couldn’t convince him that an apple is a fruit.

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You can implement roughly the same approach using Babylon native. I guess?
I’ll loop in the @BabylonNative crew to chime in to be 100% sure, but maybe that would be a viable solution.

I don’t know anything about Variant. It claims to be able to do this without a separate app. How does it work?

If your scenario is simple (like you just want to view your scene in AR with no custom logic), it is also possible to serialize to usdz (see Usdz exporter by deltakosh · Pull Request #15707 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub), at which point you could launch QuickLook. Maybe Variant already just launches QuickLook, not sure.

It seems Variant uses app clips and launches a separate app on iOS. I have no idea what it’s doing to translate WebXR API calls to native in the app clip. If the experience can run in a separate iOS native app, running with Babylon Native is theoretically possible, though there are many caveats that we can go into if needed.