We have published our new project, which we believe will open a new door in the field of virtual fairs, as of yesterday. We coded our project 100% with babylonjs. I am waiting for your opinions and suggestions. (Sometimes it may not open due to cache problems when first loaded, please try a few times).
Big space, nicely done visitors are scurrying back and forth, that is great.
By the way, we are producing, among other stuff, 3d expo stands for brands.
What I would improve is the sound fade-in and fade-out, so it would be less harsh for ears when changing.
Also, if you use sounds, there should be easily accessible button in UI to mute audio.
And the next thing is to add different interactions for users so their experience would be even more immersive.
I definitely agree with you about the sound. We left it on at this stage on purpose. There is a national holiday in my country right now so our sounds are always active to keep it exciting.