Personal website =>

Hi all, I would like to share my personal website I made w/ BabylonJS

Link =>

It was my very first 3d development experience to be honest.
Please, check it out and tell what you think.
Thank you!


This is super great! Thanks for sharing

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great idea and execution
“creative developer” seems to describe you well :smiley:


Very nice, well done!

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Hey, I was in the Virgo Supercluster too! Your auto zoom of the portal was sort of non-standard, but having an indicator that itself did not respond told me to look for something.

One thing you might wish to do is play with your color scheme for the indicator. Maybe red instead of white. I was in the portal at the beginning, seeing how it reacted, but not long enough for the zoom to really complete. I did not even notice the indicator going to white from grey.

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Babylon have made Power of WebGL accessible for all. It was a really cool concept. Unfortunately Portal effect didn’t work for me in my smartphone.


That’s a very useful feedback, thank you :pray:

Unfortunately, as I found out during development, iOS does not support RTT, so I just had to make a workaround for mobile.

Keep the Great Work Walking!!!