I mean, make the capsule transparent, load an animated character, set its parent to the capsule and you got a character controller ^^
I am not sure we have the same definition of “character controller”. Out of curiosity, what features would be missing from your point of view?
Supporting (and detecting if needed, like while free falling) animations for character (since it is character controller, not just capsule controller), for example:
Support for Third Person View and First Person View.
Support for camera “elasticity” for the Third Person View. In other words if a mesh comes between the camera and avatar/player, the camera snaps to a position in front of the mesh / or the mesh becomes invisible / or camera switches to the FPV (like in Fallout 4). This way the avatar/player is always in view. Anyway, there should be some function to detect the distance to the walls etc.
There are multiple different linked features: camera, physics and animation.
Animation can use a tree with blending or motion matching or a mix with procedural,…
Character controller is almost the same. It’s difficult to please everyone: my character can walk, run, fly, swim, jump from branch to branch, climb walls, walk on a moving boat …
The solution I chose is to have a sample state machine layer that controls velocity and a character controller that does the best it can with desired velocity. That state machine can be a graph with transition and might be used in association with interactivity layer, in the future.
Maybe the simplest of the 3 is the camera framing feature. But even just that is difficult to be perfect. I remember some God Of War and Ryse of Rome presentations and the effort was insane.
I don’t really know where to put the threshold between providing bricks and documentation to help user achieve what they have in mind. Or make something generic, more complex and feature complete so user can just set a few flags to get something.
Until then, I’d like to see more usage of this character controller and see how it’s possible to push its limits:
@Deltakosh , do you mean voting? if yes, then I will gladly do it. but, as I understand, this function (cloth physics) will not get into version 8, if the voting takes place now, right?