Physics character controller

I’m happy to annouce the availability of the Physics Character Controller.
It provides a simple api to control and extent a character in a physicalized world.

A documented PG is available here :

Documentation page is here : Babylon.js docs

As usual, this feature is driven by Babylon.js community. Feel free to discuss, comment and contribute on this new feature.

Have fun !


Wow! Thank you so much, I was waiting this for a while, good job!


It’s a great addition. THANKS


@Cedric you are the best !!!

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Amazing! :heart_eyes_cat: Thank you!

This is awesome! Thank you, Cedric :grin:

Niiiiice :clap: Thanks a lot !

Great work! Just looking at the controller part: does this want to have it’s own class/separate it because I’m understanding this code actually as a “PhysicsCharacter”. As it could be controlled by a Player or AI right? Plus I couldn’t see any controller related code (I’m using my phone). The Controller part I usually define as the interface for the Player or AI.

This new class controls and constraints a physics body. Input can be human or AI. Human inputs are handled in the PG.

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That’s great

Wish I could +1 this a dozen times, this is awesome!

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Looks amazing! Can’t wait to play around with it

Hi, could you please modify the example to include rotation functionality? Specifically, I’d like the player to rotate when pressing A/D keys, always face the forward direction, and also rotate while jumping. Thank you!

Great addition, really appreciate it. Will use this as the base for my own character controller!

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