I plan to use in my projects but noticed that the orientation of the camera tends to be different than what I have in my code. It looks like in the Sandbox the orientation along the Y-axis is reversed

I like using the Sandbox to check on 3d models I plan to use in my projects but noticed that the orientation of the camera tends to be different than what I have in my code. It looks like in the Sandbox the orientation along the Y-axis is reversed. When I bring it into the Sandbox, for example, it would be facing the camera, but when I bring it into my code, the same model(s) are facing in the opposite direction.

I’m not rotating my camera or using the “setTarget” or anything on the camera that would affect it’s orientation so I’m left thinking that the camera in the Sandbox is rotated in some way. Is this the case? If so is there a way to disable the rotation? It’s really helpful to see how the 3d models would look like using the Sandbox.

Hello! You can see how the default Sandbox camera is created here: Babylon.js/renderingZone.tsx at master · BabylonJS/Babylon.js (github.com). Importantly, it uses FramingBehavior by default: Camera Behaviors | Babylon.js Documentation (babylonjs.com). You can change the camera’s position in the inspector, or use the cameraPosition query parameter: Babylon.js/sandbox.tsx at master · BabylonJS/Babylon.js (github.com)