I don’t know the terminology so I don’t know what to search for.
When you create a box (MeshBuilder.CreateBox), the sides are darker and lighter depending on the rotation (and probably also the direction of light). When I import a mesh (SceneLoader.ImportMesh) it does not.
How can I add the same behavior for an imported mesh? Right now all sides have the same color, so you really cannot see the shape of the mesh.
I am loading an obj file with only a geometry and nothing else. I have a light in the scene and I can show a box in the same scene.
I tried to use the Playground but I don’t know how to reference an external file. You can however see what I mean in the Sandbox (https://sandbox.babylonjs.com/). This is the file I am loading:
v 20 -10 20
v 20 -10 -20
v 20 10 -20
v 20 10 20
v 15 15 0
v -15 15 0
v -20 -10 20
v -20 10 20
v -20 10 -20
v -20 -10 -20
f 1 2 3 4
f 7 1 4 8
f 10 7 8 9
f 2 10 9 3
f 10 2 1 7
f 8 4 5 6
f 4 3 5
f 9 8 6
f 3 9 6 5
this .obj file does not contain normals.
You can either generate them in your DCC tool or force a flat shaded normal computation using convertToFlatShadedMesh