Importing a File From BABYLON to GLTF using Blender (Missing UV's When Converting BABYLON to GLTF/GLB)

I had this issue where I tried to get a scene from a BABYLON file that I liked and wanted to study into Blender. Once I was done resizing it in blender, I exported the file into a GLB (GLTF Binary) and when I applied the textures, they didn’t look good. I found out that during the serialization process, The UV’s don’t get exported so here’s a small guide on how to get it done properly (Export UV’s) should you run into the same issue.

  1. Download the file from BABYLON.JS to GLTF using the following from this playground:
    Babylon To GLB Download Script


This is when you upload that file into BabylonJS Sandbox:

  1. Open Blender, Import The GLB file, Create a Material and the Texture. Then go to UV and drag the
    UV’s from off the page until it fits nicely with the texture you have.

  2. It seems like the UV’s are flipped along the Y axis. While working on it, It seems like all of them had the same issue. So in the blender UV Window > Click UV > Mirror > Y-Axis and drag it to match it’s location in the texture and it should be fixed.

  1. Export as a GLB then drag it into the Babylon Sandbox and test it. It should look proper now. Enjoy :smile:

  2. Also optional: Don’t forget to flip normals or lighting may give you problems. You need some kind of light when you use BABYLON standard materials.


This is a great guide! Thank you! ping @PirateJC