I have a *.obj file to render the model.
I tried to render using “ImportMesh” but It didn’t worked.
Can anyone please suggest?
I have a *.obj file to render the model.
I tried to render using “ImportMesh” but It didn’t worked.
Can anyone please suggest?
Does it work in the sandbox https://sandbox.babylonjs.com/?
If not them there is an issue with the file.
If it does try to import it into the playground using the “ImportMesh” code and post your playground so that the community can check if they see the issue.
Thanks for the early response.
It’s not working in sandbox either. But if I tried to open it in SharePoint it shows the object.
Interestingly SharePoint also use Babylon. Screenshot attached. Also find the attached .obj file.
Sample.zip (11.1 KB)
As it works in SharePoint importing into the playground is the way to go.
Yes I’m looking for it.
@shesansus, the file has a broken face:
faces should only index starting from 1 and not 0 which explain the error. I guess in sharepoint (older version of babylon), the file opened but the rendering is corrupted anyway.
I can add an error message more compeling than the one we see here
Thank you for the finding.