I’m attempting to utilize the Animation Curve Editor more directly with a Custom Wrapper component to utilize it for creating animation data for some custom mesh data.
Looking for any clarification or possible solutions to importing these React components from the inspector module.
I’m getting errors when attempting to import the defined module of @babylonjs/inspector/components/actionTabs/tabs/propertyGrids/animations/curveEditor/animationCurveEditorComponent
I’d assume with the module being defined in the inspector.module.d.ts that it would be accessible .
I attempted this with a basic Typescript / Webpack app to try and prove it out.
Modifying the first js app from Babylon.js docs
included the following…
import { AnimationCurveEditorComponent } from "@babylonjs/inspector/components/actionTabs/tabs/propertyGrids/animations/curveEditor/animationCurveEditorComponent";
// TODO - after I get the import
const globalState: any = null;
const context: any = null;
const container = document.getElementById("app");
const root = createRoot(container!); // createRoot(container!) if you use TypeScript
<AnimationCurveEditorComponent globalState={globalState} context={context} />
Attempted CodePen (though it doesn’t build)
Thank you.