Inspector windows is not displaying correctly

i have application with the babylonjs and react, when i open inspector in the application, it is not displaying correctly. and also some of the properties are not displaying correctly

please see the screen shot

This doesn’t have anything to do with Babylon, your CSS is overriding styling used by Babylon. You may need to set styling explicitly to get it to work. I had this issue with my react app as well.

I always start my projects with this

z-index: 1000 !important;
position: absolute !important;

z-index: 1000 !important;
position: absolute !important;

But these errors are not connected to the actual styling (I think).

The toFixed() method converts a number into a string, rounding to a specified number of decimals.

I had this before (and I didn’t solve it). And it happen when I set some values myself (like values for material properties, metallic, roughness, specularPower and so on).

So with that said, I think that in my case, when I am setting something from slider I’ve built in the app, I am actually setting property to string (so like, setting material.roughness = “0.57”). And (string).toFixed is not possible, as toFixed needs number input, and when it gets string, you get “toFixed is not a function”.

You can see that here (lines 26-30);

So if you are setting something yourself in the app, check the types of the inputs you are giving. I think that actually in the scene itself, this is not a problem, as it somehow converts/reads “0.57” as number and you can see the effect of your setting in the scene. But for inspector .toFixed is called, and that makes it crash (and I think that your inspector get’s lost and you need to refresh the app to see inspector again properly).