Is Blender exporter being maintained?


Is Blender exporter being maintained?

This is a crucial tool for the engine, since I plan to evaluate and create app instances from .babylon scene elements.

Last commit in Github repo is from 2 years ago.

Blender version: 4.3.2
Blender2Babylon version:

I don’t see the exporter panel after clicking on FileExportBabylon.js ver 3.3.2
Am I missing something?

I’m trying to export a simple scene and I get these errors:

Duplicated, following this thread: Install Blender exporter failed in blender 3.3.2 - #7 by Joshua

Generally, I would directly use Blender’s glTF exporter.

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But I’m trying to export a whole scene, I’m not sure glTF is the right format for a scene with all its components.

Yeah if it is more than camera, light and mesh then yes babylon is better for sure. We may need to ask @JCPalmer what he believes is the issue

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I have decided to hang up the keyboard & mouse, so I will not continue with the exporter, sorry.

Changes for 4.x were too great for zero benefit




Your work help people to do their journey and projects, like it is helping now with my project, so there’s always a benefit, no matter if it is a common benefit :slight_smile:

Best of luck with next projects!