Is there a method to use 3dl files to prevent some models in the scene from being affected by 3dl material properties

Hello :slight_smile:

Yes it’s possible, basically the problem come from the fact that the post-processing is camera based. Therefore you need to setup a multicamera scene. One camera for post processed meshes, the other for no postprocessing. I had explained a way in this topic.

Here is what is needed :

  • Creating 2 cameras : camera, noPostProcessCamera
  • Putting noPostProcessCamera on another layer (0x10000000), same for the unprocessed meshes

The above is quite simple and gives this result : Playground

Now the problem is that there is a depth issue with PostProcessing and multicameras. You need to setup a shared depth texture for the postprocessing pipeline :

  • Set up a RenderTargetTexture
  • Set up a PassPostProcess for the noPostProcessCamera
  • Share the depth with pipeline.imageProcessing.inputTexture.shareDepth(rtt.renderTarget)

Here is the thing put together : Playground

Hope it helps :slight_smile:


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