There exists private property _currentMeasure
on controls. Is there a “valid” way to get the current width/height of a control?
hi. for what you need this private property?
Container - Babylon.js Documentation has many different measurments look in Accessors section
Hi @kvasss!
I don’t want to use private property and this is exactly the reason why I posted this question. I can’t see any accessors which could return me current width/height of a container.
are you look good? Container - Babylon.js Documentation and on every control you can find width and height Use the Babylon GUI - Babylon.js Documentation
Yup both width, widthInPixels and the according height properties would in your case.
@kvasss, @sebavan sorry guys for me being silly, my problem was that I was trying to use width/height accessors before my control was added to its parent with parent.addControl()
. That’s made me mistakenly thinking that width/height accessors return only value that was initially set and don’t take into account responsiveness.
Thank you both for helping me out realizing my mistakes.