I tried to run a BVAT, inspired this code:
and using this code:
export function generate() {
let baker: VertexAnimationBaker = null,
mesh: Mesh = null;
const ranges: AnimationRange[] = [{ from: 0, to: 26, name: "My animation" }];
SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync("", "/myroot/", "untitled.glb", globalThis.ppath.scene, undefined)
.then((importResult) => {
mesh = importResult.meshes[1];
// create the baker helper, so we can generate the texture
baker = new VertexAnimationBaker(globalThis.ppath.scene, mesh);
// you can slice the animation here with several animation ranges.
return baker.bakeVertexData(ranges);
.then((vertexData) => {
// we got the vertex data. let's serialize it:
const vertexDataJSON = baker.serializeBakedVertexDataToJSON(vertexData);
// and save it to a local JSON file
let a = document.createElement("a");
a.setAttribute("href", "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(vertexDataJSON));
a.setAttribute("download", "vertexData.json");
export function reload() {
let baker = null,
mesh = null;
const animationRanges = [{ from: 0, to: 26, name: "My animation" }];
// read your mesh like always
SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync("", "/myroot/", "untitled.glb", globalThis.ppath.scene, undefined)
.then((importResult) => {
mesh = importResult.meshes[1];
// read the vertex data file.
return fetch("/vertexData.json");
.then((response) => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("HTTP error " + response.status);
// convert to json
return response.json();
.then((json) => {
// create the baker helper, so we can generate the texture
baker = new VertexAnimationBaker(globalThis.ppath.scene, mesh);
let l = JSON.stringify(json); // I explain it
const vertexData = baker.loadBakedVertexDataFromJSON(l);
// we got the vertex data. create the texture from it:
const vertexTexture = baker.textureFromBakedVertexData(vertexData);
const manager = new BakedVertexAnimationManager(globalThis.ppath.scene);
// store the texture
manager.texture = vertexTexture;
// set the animation parameters. You can change this at any time.
animationRanges[0].from, // initial frame
animationRanges[0].to, // last frame
0, // offset
30 // frames per second
// associate the manager with the mesh
mesh.bakedVertexAnimationManager = manager;
// update the time to play the animation
globalThis.ppath.scene.registerBeforeRender(() => {
manager.time += globalThis.ppath.engine.getDeltaTime() / 1000;
Please note that I have to restringify the json I receive because the loadBakedVertexDataFromJSON method doesn’t like when I give it an object.
But the issue is that reloading the script leads to the animation being truncated.
In Blender, I exported the glb at 30fps, correctly specified the range but it’s as if the anim was cut at half the way.
Is it the serialization I messed up?