I am trying to use thin instances with the cascaded shadow generator.
The issue I am facing is an ugly distorted result. Please have a look at the picture.
This is a plane.
Please note that the distortion follows the camera, what you see on top of the first picture is always at the same place, granted that I keep the same direction.
Everything else (scene, camera) set to default values.
let custom_mesh = new Mesh("custom", globalThis.scene);
let vd = new VertexData();
vd.positions = raw_buffer_root;
vd.indices = [...Array(raw_buffer_root.length / 3).keys()];
vd.normals = [];
VertexData.ComputeNormals(vd.positions, vd.indices, vd.normals);
let material1 = new PBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial(
material1.backFaceCulling = false;
material1.wireframe = false;
custom_mesh.material = material1;
let buffer_matrices = Float32Array.from(array_mats);
let buffer_colors = new Float32Array(4 * array_mats.length);
//loop to set the color
custom_mesh.thinInstanceSetBuffer("matrix", buffer_matrices, 16, true);
custom_mesh.thinInstanceSetBuffer("color", buffer_colors, 4, true);
custom_mesh.checkCollisions = false;
custom_mesh.receiveShadows = true;
custom_mesh.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh = true
globalThis.shadowGenerator.addShadowCaster(custom_mesh, true);
// and at the end
I canβt prep a PG, sorry, but if I disable
globalThis.shadowGenerator.addShadowCaster(custom_mesh, true);
Everything looks perfect but has no shadows.
I am not sure what is going on.
my light setup:
globalThis.light = new DirectionalLight("DirectionalLight", new Vector3(-1900 , -1900 , 0), globalThis.scene);
globalThis.light.intensity = 9.4;
globalThis.light.position = new Vector3(10 , 10, 0.1);
globalThis.shadowGenerator = new CascadedShadowGenerator(2048, globalThis.light);
Decreasing the light intensity reduces the issue, but it is still there.
maxZ, minZ untouched.
Any idea?