KHR_draco_mesh_compression increase glb file load time

in GLTFLoader._loadVertexDataAsync,geometry._boundingInfo is created according position accessor, and geometry.useBoundingInfoFromGeometry is set to true.

But In KHR_draco_mesh_compression, the above process is absent,As a result, mesh._refreshBoundInfo is always executed in GLTFLoader.loadNodeAsync

so the file load time becomes larger.

Will be great to have @bghgary’s opinion here :slight_smile:

@Starryi That sounds like an oversight. Do you want to try and fix it?

@bghgary Yes, I want to fix it.

When the number of meshes and vertex data is particularly large, the performance gap between refreshBoundingInfo and updateBoundingInfo is obvious. I want to keep the load time as low as possible to enhance the user experience

@RaananW @bghgary pr is here fix: Load boundingInfo when use KHR_draco_mesh_compression by Starryi · Pull Request #15882 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub