Latest ES6 versions of Babylon and Inspector, CSS rule being injected into body by inspector?

Hi all!

This morning I decided to upgrade a project to the 4.2 alpha, just to see if everything I have done so far will still work and I spotted a small issue. In my project I will have a sidebar alongside the main scene. As of right now there isn’t much to look at, but here is a screenshot of the sidebar with inspector open before I upgraded:

Here is the same sidebar after I upgraded:

There is a style: “background-color: #333;” being injected into the body of my app. I looked through the styles that were injected into my html and this rule appears in an injected style tag that is filled with rules for an animation curve editor. Seems that this new animation editor has set a css rule with not enough specificity.

Thought I should flag this up.

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p.s. I found this rule on line 2 of this file Babylon.js/curveEditor.scss at preview · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub

Hi Richard,

This should not happen. We’ll fix that soon. Want to submit a github issue so we can track it?

Thanks for reporting!

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Hi Raanan

I will submit the issue.


Fixed! thanks a lot

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