[译] 崩坏3的卡通渲染实现方式拆解 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
Babylon.js Node Material Editor (babylonjs.com)
Babylon.js Node Material Editor (babylonjs.com)
This looks real cool. You wouldn’t happen to have the english version, would you?
my english is vary noob.i can’t translate it
From what I read, it’s still better than my chinese
May be you can post a request in this forum to see if someone can and is willing to translate it?
So pretty !!!
fantastic! give me your QQ please! or send my e-mail 156695917@qq.com
psyduck | Babylon.js Playground (babylonjs.com)
newest version
I love Psyduck!
Have to say I like your lighting much more than the one on modern Pokemon games