Come and like it!
@Lun a demo of the result in the Playground would be great ???
I don’t know how to upload model to planground
There are quite a few possible tricks Using External Assets In the Playground | Babylon.js Documentation
This would be great to share as it looks so pretty
This is gorgeous! If you have a live link we can add it to our homepage
Wow , any link to PG or NME link itself
I want to share.
But I still don’t know how to upload.
It s all greek to me.
This is nice !!!
cc @PirateJC
First and foremost, welcome to the Babylon family! It’s great to have you here!
Second - THIS IS SO COOL!!! I LOVE it!!!
Would you have any objection to me adding this to our community web page?
I’d also love to tweet about it if you’re on twitter?
I m not good at English.
I agree.
No offense
Awesome! Posted!
It should be live in a few minutes.