I’m currently delving deeper into 3D game development using Babylon.js and am on the lookout for substantial open-source projects that could serve as learning resources. While basic examples and tutorials are plentiful, I’m particularly interested in more complex and sophisticated game projects.
Could anyone point me towards a curated list or repository of such Babylon.js game projects? Seeing the source code of these advanced projects would greatly aid my understanding of best practices in the context of game development with Babylon.js.
If a comprehensive list doesn’t spring to mind, I’d also appreciate any individual project recommendations. If there’s a standout Babylon.js game project that you’ve found insightful or impactful, please do share it here.
I suggest you take a look through the Demos and projects category of this forum, the Featured Demos page of the website, or trying searching the forum, Playgrounds or Github for something specific that you’re after.
The book walks through the design and creation of Space-Truckers: The Video Game!, with each chapter getting its own branch in the OSS repos. Of course, contributions are accepted for merging into the dev/main line codebase, or for chapter branches in the case of significant errors or problems
(On that note, if you end up reading the book, see the discussion boards for chapters 3 and 5 for some updates and corrections)