Trying to make two meshes transparent only where they overlap each other, any suggestion how to achieve this ?
These are material settings:
var material = new BABYLON.PBRMaterial(meshdata.name + “_” + inx, scene);
material.albedoColor = materialcolor;
material.backFaceCulling = false;
material.twoSidedLighting = true;
material.metallic = 1;
material.alphaMode = BABYLON.Engine.ALPHA_MAXIMIZED;
material.transparencyMode = 2;
Hello and welcome!
can you simply separate them? maybe using CSG so you keep the intersection mesh and make it transparent?
You can use the stencil buffer for this:
In this PG, the dude writes 1 in the stencil buffer where it is drawn.
The plane is drawn normally everywhere where the stencil is not equal to 1.
A copy of the plane with a transparent material is drawn everywhere where the stencil is equal to 1.
Note that the sphere is completely hidden by the plane because it writes 0 to the stencil buffer, not 1.
[EDIT] Small correction in the PG, the stencil mask must be reset to 0xFF before clearing the stencil buffer, else the clearing is not done. [/EDIT]
Thanks for the help! I got it
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