Moving through particles

GPU particles. MEGA-horsepower… but no customUpdate or customStart funcs. Instead… GPU code. We got 'em… they’re gruesome-powered. Can ya skin grizz? (oops, that was a Jermiah Johnson movie quote or something). Can ya write GPU code wedges for customizing our GPU particle system? If so… marry me. :smiley:

Yeah, there ya found a fine demo… with GPU-checker. It has a particleSystem.updateFunction… but… I just bet… that doesn’t run when in GPU-particles mode. Maybe it does… but last I knew… no customUpdate funcs to GPU particles.

Not yet :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Another interesting playground example:

Almost, but not quite:

@jerome & @Wingnut

This could be the one :wink:

Still might try a tiling system however.

And it works on mobile @60fps (Pixel 2), will need to manually handle awsd keys with constant motion forward so that I get better look drag but I think that could be it!

slighty bigger points, more visible, but still their squared shape not really perceptible

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