My New Game - Harvest Rush

Hey guys,

Here is a link to my new game “Harvest Rush”. It’s free to play and I would love your feedback and tips. It’s available on mobile, tablet, desktop, and web browsers. You can also install it on your devices if you prefer.

Play Here!
Harvest Rush


This is so GOOD

Congratulations! I love it

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Thanks, @Deltakosh

if you tweet about it please let me know so we can amplify

Definitely! I will drop a message here.

Very nice :slight_smile:
I like tiny details such as the loading running rabbit white on black, when quitting a level :grin:


Thanks @Tricotou. “running rabbit white on black” It’s me desperately trying to keep the player’s eyes on the bunny’s cuteness. :smile:

Great. I love amazing game created by Babylon like this.

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@Deltakosh Just tweeted on x. Link below.

Harvest Rush Game

Thanks @Adams, BabylonJS is great!!. I aim to build more games with it. :smiley:


Great. I also like Babylon. This game is very excellent.

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Thanks @RobertWang.


Does this cutie have a name? :slight_smile:

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Eggbert? :smiley:

  • I am writing this while the game runs in the background (so alt-tabbing). I have just come back to the game and all collectibles are gone! Timer still runs. I can navigate the level. …The timer is now at 0:00 and the game keeps going - no gameover screen or anyhting.

  • Something minor but still: In “Select a character” screen: noticable lag of around 2 seconds until all portraits show up. Same for “Select level”.

  • Some sort of tutorial needed. Do not make me press random buttons in order to figure out gameplay. E.g.: I tried to find a shoot button. I am guessing there is no shooting?

  • Restarting the level after dying takes way too long. Aren’t all the assets already there and shouldnt it be just resetting some positions?

  • The grass sprites do not cast shadows.

  • Just personal opinion: I would prefer if the shadow of the collectibles would start with low itensity and progressively increase in intensity the closer the collectible to the ground. I know, this would make it easier. But helpful for people who suck at playing games :grinning:


yeah, and it would be cool to add some effect when the collectibles hits the ground and not just to remove them w/o any effect… :slight_smile:

Otherwise this is one of the best graphics I’ve ever seen in a game created in babylon.js. Kudos!

what about to move this button here?

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Thanks, guys for the feedback, I appreciate you trying out the game!

If you are interested in the full game, please join my mailing list as I am giving away full access to a few players.

I am writing this while the game runs in the background (so alt-tabbing). I have just come back to the game and all collectibles are gone! Timer still runs. I can navigate the level. …The timer is now at 0:00 and the game keeps going - no gameover screen or anything.

I’m currently pausing and unpausing the game engine to handle this but I’m not sure what the best approach is. :thinking: please feel free to throw some ideas my way. :smiley: I will try out few things and let you know.

Just personal opinion: I would prefer if the shadow of the collectibles would start with low itensity and progressively increase in intensity the closer the collectible to the ground. I know, this would make it easier. But helpful for people who suck at playing games

This would make it very easy for players to determine the position of the items as you mentioned. Although, some of the levels are made to make it hard to see the items. :thinking: I will think about the one but please feel free to throw some ideas at me. :smiley:

The rest of the point sounds great, I will start immediately, many thanks again.

it would be cool to add some effect when the collectibles hits the ground and not just to remove them w/o any effect

I decided not to add some effect on ground collision to make the game challenging. What do you think? I also like the idea of showing some dust particle effect when the item hits the ground.

what about to move this button here?

About the [Back] button, would that position be great for UX? also, that’s the position of the game spinner. :thinking: please feel free to bombard me with ideas.

I didn’t mean to mark where the collectibles will fall but to add an impact effect when they hit the floor. :wink:

The back button is always on the left. (I don’t know whether this also applies to arabic locale - sry guys - let us know how it works)

Music in this game makes me calm, but when bee kills me it so loud. Can you reduce volume of death a little bit.
I like this game. :+1::heart:

Let me add you list of issues which good to fix:

  1. This flag is not about “Invert Control”. It switch control between WASD and Cursor Arrows

  2. When handling keyDown, keyUp, and keyPress events from KeyboardEvent, it is more universal to use event.code. This is because, if the keyboard layout is switched, the WASD keys may no longer function.

  3. If I use a gamepad, it should not only work with the stick but also with any button that allows me to restart the game. In a simple scenario, this would be just pressing a button to “Play again,” and in a more complex one, it would involve navigating through the menu with the gamepad.

    When I use gamepad only, I can’t press any of these buttons.Need to read from class Gamepad properties like browserGamepad.buttons

  4. Progress bar at first looks good while loading.

    and it reset to default until it loaded.

  5. In the CSS styles for menu part you can use user-select: none to do not allow select text.

This is the first thing I wanted to improve and refine in this fun little bunny. I really liked the game’s atmosphere. The butterflies flying over the meadow create a wonderful summer field ambiance.