New Audio Problem after OS update on Safari Browser (Desktop)

Hi! A developer here for:
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I haven’t changed any of the code regarding audio initialization. But none of these are making any sound on my Safari browser (on a desktop since a few days ago after my OS update). Is there a new issue dealing with Safari audio on a desktop that wouldn’t let sound to play?

I have tried hundreds of ways to unmute and change the browser/system preferences. Haven’t found the solution. Is anyone experience this too?

Hey! do you mind creating a repro in PG

On top of my mind I think this is related to playing a sound with a user interaction. But a repro will definitely help figuring it out

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Repo here

I just tried with Chrome on Desktop and Safari on iPhone - sound works
Safari on desktop - nothing happens

Can you repro in the PG?

Just tried this as well. Chrome SOUND. Safari NO SOUND

Adding @Cedric

I notice that if the sound file is in wav it works in Safari on the desktop. So is there something wrong with mp3 being played in Safari Desktop in the new Safari update???

as always Safari is a dumpster fire


Indeed. I bet all the sites that are using BabylonJS with mp3 file through BabylonJS audio engine are all not working at the moment on a Safari Version 14.0 (15610., 15610) in a Desktop. I hope others can verify.

@cedric has a Mac so he should be able to help :smiley:

mp3 plays outside BabylonJS using window.AudioContext on Safari Desktop, just not when called by the BabylonJS function

The mystery deepens…

Let me check that :slight_smile:

I got verified that the older Safari works…not the latest one.!

I’ve opened a GitHub issue [SAFARI] MP3 not played with latest Safari · Issue #9125 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js · GitHub

Thank you. Does this sound like a BabylonJS issue or a browser-level issue?

It looks like a browser issue but maybe we can do something to make it work anyway.

The new 14.0.1 OS doesn’t allow any sound to be played in BabylonJS on iPhone and iPad on any browser…

Iphone and Ipad only really have Safari which explains why. @Cedric are you able to put a workaround in place ?

@sebavan I have iPhone and Chrome browser…couldn’t work as well

On Apple devices everything is using the Safari engine for the backend, even Chrome. Chrome is just the interface but the browser engine is Safari.