Happy 2021 BJS Community!
You can celebrate with my scene event.
Don’t hesitate to play with the keys (fast toggle) to customize your fireworks experience.
The scene has been loaded with 250 particle systems!! (yes;) and requires a fairly good rig.
If it doesn’t work for you (sry, too bad) you can still try view the original scene that has also just received a small update (but you won’t get the fireworks):
Thank you for this comment on the UI.
Glad you appreciate it.
There is a story behind the UI (and also the entire project). A story based on a question I wanted to find answer for, just around christmas 2019. Question was: “Can we team-up with procedural and the digital?” …with the extension of “Should we include procedural (and/or the AI) in the design thinking?”
I chose BJS, C4D and the ‘historical & original’ PSD as my base tools for investigating.
The Interface is full 3D from C4D, with minimal photoshoping for the 2D GUI integration.
The entire interface is built from base objects (cube, cylinder, plane, sphere) with transformers (or transform nodes). Except for the 2 only items I don’t like… those I did design myself;) from a spline.
I will be changing these in a future update to go back to the pillars and the original design thinking method. But yes, all the rest is mostly the result of C4D (with my inputs or feedback on the various propositions I got from the program).
I wanted the interface and the project to reflect the work of home crafted design and arts. Such as the ones many do in their backyard or garage, using scrap metal parts or making wood or stones crafts.
This is why I forced myself to use the ‘material’ and ‘resources’ at hand. Take a source, secure the source and next, transform it. Isn’t it amazing the things you can do with a simple sphere or a cube when teaming-up with procedural?
Hello, Which link? The event link above (with the faen fireworks)? Yes, it was supposed to be just a punctual event for new year 2021. I didn’t reinstate it after the data center hosting my VPS was simply burned to a crisp. So, I’m afraid this one is down at the moment.
But then, the original demo should still work (despite of never having received the optimization upgrade it requires;) I’m thinking of it again just these days, since some people seemed to enjoy the demo. Here is the link to the official demo (in case you don’t have it):
Also, I have committed myself to bring to the BJS Community the most amazing fireworks for New Year 2022 (from my learning of last year and hopefully implementing some of the faen shaders introduced lately by the big brains here in this community:)… Stay tuned;)