I haven’t test the glTF-Blender-IO addon into 2.79b, only 2.8 ; but from what I seen the albedoTexture isn’t directly linked to the Base Color input of the Principled shader (you have a Mix node), and I’m not sure if this is right for gltf exporting under 2.79b.
As your scene is very simple, I think you should work on 2.8 beta: Blender Experimental Builds - blender.org
Since 2.8 is in beta state, just keep your downloaded zip files in case you’ll update your builds and something breaks - but it should be safe as they announced that the first release candidate should be out mid-july.
Bonus: gltf i-o is already in Blender 2.8 by default.
Deeply thanks for your kind advice.
I installed blender 2.8 and tried the same instruction. At this time my exported glb file is showed properly