PBR texture splatting (up to 64 textures)

Yeah. I’m not developing specifically for Mobile devices(Since none of mine can run any WebGL context with more than 10FPS) :stuck_out_tongue: , but I would prefer WebGL1. My GPU supports WebGL2, but I develop using WebGL1 for the sole reason of supported older GPU’s.

I’ve actually settled on using texture/texture2D with NEAREST samplingmode. You’ll see seams and less than perfect mipmapping, but I tried prototyping a small game using it, and it will certainly suffice.
I already use FOG , but only periodically, as it’s an “event” in the game, but haven’t tried DOF.
I tried creating a secondary texture to use for mipmaps(bad scale, was a test):https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#LIVRIY#56
And the 4tap algo: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#LIVRIY#58
But I don’t really see a difference between the 4tap and one of the first approaches: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#LIVRIY#59
I might have done something wrong, but I’ll just stick to the last one for performance reasons.

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