I was expecting to have some performance gain in rendering TIN mesh in BJS. However, the opposite result was observed. On the left side is the regular grid with 7M vertices and right side with 600k. Even with such a big difference, higher FPS can be observed on the left side (28 vs 8).
Hmmm, that’s very interesting then The only way I could imagine less vertices/indices needing more time was if the shader work was different, but they should have the same work if they’re using the same material… Just to confirm, it’s the standard material? @Evgeni_Popov might have a better idea of what’s going on than me
Would you have some live links so that we can have a better look? Having a GPU frame time 4x higher when you have 12x less triangles should not be possible (if the materials are the same in both cases)…
Please find the two glb files below. They are not exactly the same due to different way to generate.
As so, their material is not exactly the same but i check manually and also assigned a default material to both, they do not make any performance difference statistically.
There is one difference may need to notice is the transformnode rotation. For the TIN mesh, there is one rotation applied to the parent transformnode. (Though it seems not relevant to the performance).
Hello! It looks like you have more vertices in the left image so your triangles may not be welded. There are many other workflows for simplifying such as Blender, MeshLab and 3ds Max (re-topo tools).
Your files in MeshLab:
Edit: I think it’s performing correctly you have 14.3m faces in DEM and 1.3m in the “optimised” TIN. Maybe BJS isn’t displaying stats correctly?
I have been thinking about a new landscape tool for BJS but not seen any requests.
I am getting high fps on each model but maybe you can test this which has been imported into 3ds, re-topo’d, xform’d and materials & textures removed: TIN_3ds.glb » Sendit