I’m developing an app to show 3D models created from photos. The first context capture (BlocksExchange XML/XMLZ format) tool creates a GLTF model from thousands of photos. Photos are made by drones that fly around the tower.
My goal is to show places in the viewer where the drone took a picture and point it at the specific angle that the camera was positioning.
I get information in these form:
position: {
x: -11.4732765262581,
y: 10.2428019459443,
z: 47.219992244195,
rotation: {
yaw: 135.71985665112,
pitch: -16.2454216756075,
roll: 0.165752425305601,
name: ‘DSC04627_t.JPG’,
My problem is that I can’t properly rotate created planes. I tried to use this :
mesh.rotation = new BABYLON.Vector3(pitch, yaw, roll);
(from the documentation: BabylonJS Guide) but it won’t work.
I think that the problem is that Babylon js use the left-handed system and I got data uses a right-handed system. I suppose changing yaw, pitch, roll to left-handed data should work, but I don’t know how to do it. Or maybe it’s not the case.
Bablon supports right handed systems (using the scene.useRightHandedSystem = true), but that doesn’t seem to be solving the issue. it is probably the order in which the rotation is applied,
I am not sure what the expected result should look like though, so it is hard to say what the issue is.
Right handed system uses a negative z axis (which is, in your case the y axis?) where babylon uses positive, so it is not just a matter of fixing the rotation. Setting the position correctly doesn’t seem to be helping as well. Also, seeing the tower is 1 unit wide and that the x values of some of the elements are more than 1 unit apart makes me wonder if the units actually provide any proximity to the tower itself?
The expected result is all planes are faced to tower (center of the scene).
I also tried to apply yaw, pitch, roll to rotation in any possible orders and any of the results solve the problem.
Ok, so I got this, but now I’ve got another question. How to calculate normal using yaw, pitch, roll without creating a mesh plane. I tried to do something like: