Hello community,
exporting the scene as glb flips the camera on Y axis
this was not the case in previous versions (I’m not sure which release caused this issue)
after some investigation, the issue was born with BJS 6.0.0
check this playground for more details:
November 28, 2023, 10:35am
I think it was a bug fix to respect the gltf default convention. Cc @bghgary to confirm
Hi @sebavan , can you please point us to the specification that says so?
cuz it kinda made the behaviour unpredictable. When we export a camera pointing at a scene, we expect it to stay pointing at the scene.
thanks again for the snappy response
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November 28, 2023, 1:12pm
You are not exporting the camera in the playground, you have a condition to not export it I believe ?
I have 2 camera in my scene, I’m just exporting one
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November 28, 2023, 10:51pm
Agree in this case it looks like a bug.
November 29, 2023, 12:44am
I can repro and will investigate. It definitely seems like a bug.
Awesome !
Looking forward for the fix
November 29, 2023, 10:31pm
Awesome ! thanks a lot @bghgary
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Hey @bghgary
I noticed that the bug persists when the camera is animated, the fix you did will be overridden by the values stored in the animation.
here’s a playground that describes the issue
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Sorry for the long delay, but this issue is a problem in the method we decided to do with this PR .
This other forum issue is also related to this PR: Inconsistent glTF Exports Between Babylon 5 and Babylon 6 - Bugs - Babylon.js (babylonjs.com)
I am planning on rewriting a lot of the glTF serializer to address a lot of short-comings and fix all of these issues, but it will take a while to complete. Sorry for the troubles.
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no worries, thanks for the reply.
I also noticed a similar behaviour with animated objects. I had to wrap them under a transform node to patch the bug.
the exporter requires a lot of testing so we can avoid these issues. I’ll be happy to help if needed.
This should be fixed with the latest changes we did to the exporter lately. @MeshSlayer it should be fixed in version 7.45.0.
Awesome ! Thanks a lot @srzerbetto !
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