Problem with showing and hiding the model

Hello everyone

I want to use the dat.GUI() on my UI for hiding and showing the models, but it doesn’t work.

and here is my code :

if (model){
var sphere = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateSphere("sphere", {diameter: 2, segments: 32}, scene);
    var options = {
        camera_x : cameraX,
        camera_y : cameraY,
        camera_z : cameraZ,
        show: model

var oldgui = document.getElementById("datGUI");
if (oldgui != null) {

var gui = new dat.GUI(); = "100px"; = "datGUI";

var camOptions = gui.addFolder('Camera Set Target');
camOptions.add(options, 'camera_x').onChange(function (value) {
    camera._currentTarget.x = value;

var models = gui.addFolder("Show Models");
models.add(options, "show").onChange(function (value) {
model = value;

here is my PG :

it is because you should always let the mesh in the scene and only controls its visibility :

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Thanks a lot. :pray: