Professional Developer available for hire


I am looking for part-time (4 hours monday to friday).

Have experience with Babylon, Three, Unity and Unreal.

Here is something I did recently but with my own engine:

You can run the above in real-time if you have a powerful enough desktop GPU.

WARNING: it is not for and will burn|explode your phone/tablet:

My portfolio website:

Let’s talk! You can send me message here or from the end of my website’s page form.

Thanks and regards!


Nice video. I do like the use of these ‘empathetic’/‘kindness’ taglines. It’s very much in the spirit of BJS, isnt’it? :innocent: :laughing: …So, that’s a :+1:+1 from me for these :grin: …and then, another one for the overall quality of what you are showing :+1: I hope you’ll soon find your next side-job/mandate. Meanwhile, have a great day :sunglasses:

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I had to take a break from my holidays to say “fascinating” to your video presentation. Is your engine for the public?

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Thanks! Not open yet but it will probably happen very soon.

Ho! Nice! I’ve been watching the Assembly stream on Twitch and really loved your demo! Great work!

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And here we go again! I am available for part-time freelancing by default.

Thanks and regards to everyone!


Ppl hiring you will be lucky :slight_smile:

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Hey @sebavan and @Cedric, thank you very much, your support is truly appreciated!

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I totally second that!!!

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