Hi guys, I have a question about how GPU memory is used in Babylon.js, more specficaly for WebGPU applications.
In the Boids example (https://playground.babylonjs.com/?webgpu#3URR7V#186), it is not clear to me if all the buffers are declared in GPU memory. For example in this line:
this.particleBuffers = [
new BABYLON.StorageBuffer(engine, initialParticleData.byteLength, BABYLON.Constants.BUFFER_CREATIONFLAG_VERTEX | BABYLON.Constants.BUFFER_CREATIONFLAG_WRITE),
new BABYLON.StorageBuffer(engine, initialParticleData.byteLength, BABYLON.Constants.BUFFER_CREATIONFLAG_VERTEX | BABYLON.Constants.BUFFER_CREATIONFLAG_WRITE),
it seems quite clear that “particleBuffers” is declared on the GPU memory. But here:
this.vertexBuffers = [
new BABYLON.VertexBuffer(engine, this.particleBuffers[0].getBuffer(), "a_particlePos", false, false, 4, true, 0, 2),
new BABYLON.VertexBuffer(engine, this.particleBuffers[0].getBuffer(), "a_particleVel", false, false, 4, true, 2, 2)
I am not sure where “vertexBuffers” is. When “particleBuffers[0].getBuffer()” is called, is it just a pointer in memory, or “particleBuffers” is actually copied to “vertexBuffers” via the CPU, as javascript arrays ?
Here my main concern is to ensure that we don’t have useless host<->device communications. In the original WebGPU javascript example, it is quite obvious that everything is staying in GPU memory, but here I am a bit confused what the Babylon abstractions are doing. Could someone explain how Babylon is handling the buffers?
Second question: is there a way in Babylon to check where data are in memory and to do some profiling of host and device usage, similar to what a tool like Nsight is doing?
Thanks for any help !