Ray cant hit the Object

Hello. As in the example in pg, it does not hit an imported object when hitting the ray box. I’m sure I’m making a mistake somewhere. What could be the cause of this?. Can you help me?

test | Babylon.js Playground (babylonjs.com)

New Info:

It crashes in a different mesh. What can I do for the non-crashing mesh to crash?

test | Babylon.js Playground (babylonjs.com)


I believe it’s because you are selecting the root node that has been automagically generated from the blender import. A good practice is to first remove this root and unparent all meshes from it.
Here I just bypassed it selecting only the mesh[1] and as you can see, the ray now hits this mesh.

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Yes you are right. I can’t believe I overlooked this :). Thanks for your help, you are very good.

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